


Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.

I am very quiet when I am pensive and I like to be by myself.  People assume I am sad or mad, but I guess that’s logical when I am usually loud and boisterous.  Being pensive is not a new thing for me, but it is very infrequent.

Is it because I rarely take the time to slow down and think?  Is it because of the latest tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary?  Perhaps it’s because of the Christmas season I always seem to need a time to make sure my priorities are in order. . . I think this time around it’s a little of it all.

Regardless, it’s a time I rather enjoy.  I’m much more of a do-er rather than a thinker, and in these rare moments where I do actually think it is always very enlightening.  Whether it’s the Lord calling to me, or if it’s a time of re-evaluation, something good always comes from it.

So there it is world, Joel is pensive.

On another topic, I plan to get back into more of the blogging sphere.  I am going to broaden the landscape of this blog to include new interests and other such awesome things like being in my first year of marriage!



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