Summer Music

A lot of this blog is about music & food together, but occasionally I will do a music only post, and this is one of those.

If you are anything like me the urge to listen to music comes in many different forms: mood, weather, feelings, events, friends, seasons, and about a million other things; one of the bigger ones for me is music that is associated with seasons.  Where I may listen to something like Death Cab in the fall, in the spring I may tend to listen to west coast big band (jazz) or something like The Polyphonic Spree or Mika.  Now I will admit that in the last day or so I was not adamantly looking for “summer music”, but as soon as I purchased this CD it clicked in my brain as “SUMMER!”.

I will credit the discovery of this group to a student of mine, we did a project in my jazz class where the students had to bring in a song that meant something to them (regardless of genre) and then play it for the class, and this student brought in Straight No Chaser.  Straight No Chaser is a vocal group made up of men who have a version of the 12 Days of Christmas that is very popular around the Christmas season, so I was quite surprised when this student brought some music from them that was “legit”.  The whole album is fantastic I thought it to be so fantastic that I surprised my girlfriend with this CD and some roses (bf points ;))

So I give you Straight No Chaser – I’m Yours/Somewhere Over The Rainbow from their CD entitled, “With A Twist”.

Open the window.

Drive with the windows down, Sonic drink in hand.

Find a beach and soak up the sun.

Go for a walk as the sun-sets.

Turn on the sprinkler and run through it.

Find your music for the season and go enjoy not only the wonderful things summer has to offer, but with those moments let music accompany you as the memories are made.

I would LOVE to hear about what music you all associate with summer, so comment below and let someone discover something new.

Happy Summering!
