Always There

I love consistency as much as the next guy, I like to tell myself I like change, but in many respects change is hard.  The prevailing constants in my life I am incredibly grateful for; I have friends who love me, I have family that is caring, and I have a sense of humor that gets me through a lot of things 🙂  And it goes without say that I have a relationship with my Father in Heaven and his son, Jesus Christ, that is far and beyond my everything.  These few example have stayed true for me over the years and I can confidently rely on them.  But it dawned on me last evening while struggling to do work and listen to some students that there is yet one final constant, music.


This is so cliche, but music has the absolute ability to take me away.  Put on some Coltrane or Miles Davis and my problems at that movement seem to to drift past my current stream of conciseness.  The problems are still there, but the silky melodies of the trumpet, or the pregnant pauses of the saxophone provide. . . comfort.  And in a way music is confidence for me, God has provided me the opportunity to be around and in music for the rest of my life.  I am good at music, and at times when things are not going well, music reminds me that I am indeed good at something and that God has blessed me so much, so much more than I can even imagine.

I will leave you with a little Coltrane, this is Blue Train.
